Our olive groves are located around the village of Kleisoura and are organically cultivated. To maintain, revitalize and increase the fertility of the soil, we apply green fertilization with legumes and the addition of animal manure, which necessarily comes from organically farmed animals.

We implement the good practice guidelines for the conservation of biodiversity and the optimal use of resources related to the biodiversity of olive groves of Action 5.2.3 «Provide good practice guidelines for biodiversity».

Basic axes of good agricultural practice are:

• the optimal water economy (protection of water resources),
• limiting soil erosion and desertification,
• the limitation of soil salinization and water table flooding,
• the maintenance and improvement of soil fertility and structure
• the sustainable management of native flora and fauna (preservation of biodiversity, species and habitats),
• the preservation and improvement of the mosaic and the structural characteristics of extensive agricultural ecosystems,
• the reduction of the residuality of plant protection products,
• the reduction of pollution from agricultural fertilizers,
• the appropriate management of crop residues, litter and animal husbandry waste,
• the improvement of the quality and the certification of the produced products,
• the conservation of genetic resources,
• the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,
• the measures for protected areas (e.g. NATURA 2000 network),
• informing farmers about Common Agricultural Policy and cultivation techniques,
• the survival of mountain and island communities.